

[지반역학및불포화지반기술위원회] 제6회 한일 불포화지반 공동 워크샵 (24.8.29.(목)~8.30(금))

제6회 한국-일본 불포화지반 공동 워크샵이 8월 29일(목) - 30일(금) 일본 고베대학교에서 개최됩니다.
본 행사는 불포화지반 관련 연구동향 파악 및 양국 연구자들 간의 학술교류를 위하여 
우리 학회 지반역학 및 불포화지반 기술위원회와 일본 불포화지반 연구회를 중심으로 총 20편의 논문들이 발표될 예정이오니, 회원 여러분들의 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.

■ 일시: 2024년 8월 29일(목) ~ 8월 30일(금)

■ 장소: Rokkodai Auditorium (Idemitsu Sazo Memorial), 고베대학교, 일본

■ 주관: 한국지반공학회(지반역학 및 불포화지반 기술위원회), 일본 불포화지반연구회

■ 지원: 한국연구재단(KRF), 일본학술진흥회(JSPS)

■ [1일차] 세션안내

Session 1
Experimental Study about Recovery of Stability of Railway Embankment Damaged by Severe RainfallTakaki MATSUMARURailway Technical Research Institute), Japan
Preliminary Study on Verification of Critical Continuous Rainfall Amounts for Initiating Shallow Landslides in KoreaJoon-Young ParkKorea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources), Korea
Slope Failure Prediction Based on Reference Suction Stress Depu HuKobe University, Japan
Analysis of Rainfall Flow and Unsaturated Slope Stability Using UAV ImagesJae-Hong KimDongshin University, Korea
Analysis of Rainfall Infiltration in Unsaturated Soil SlopesYeshey ChodenKyoto University, Japan
Session 2
Soil Pore Structure from Compaction Energy and SuctionaToshio SugiiChubu University, Japan
Analysis on the Unsaturated Characteristics of a Mine Waste-dump Slope Using Field MonitoringYoung-Suk SongKorea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea
Stress-induced Anisotropy of Small Strain Shear Modulus in Saturated and Unsaturated Cohesive SoilsHirofumi ToyotaNagaoka University of Technology, Japan
Prediction of Resilient Modulus on Unsaturated Geomaterials via DEM ModelingHyun-Su ParkDankook University, Korea
Microscopic Characteristics of Pore Water and Their Link to Macroscopic Responses of Partially Saturated Silica Sand under Triaxial Compression ConditionsRyunosuke KidoHiroshima University, Japan
Session 3
Material Properties of Recycled Aggregates using Laboratory TestsJae-Hyun KimKangwon National University, Korea
Numerical Simulation of the Ink-bottle Effect in a Single PoreMai SawadaTokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
A Study on Applicability to Engineered Slopes of Water Repellent Soils by Laboratory Embankment Model TestByeong-Su KimDankook University, Korea
On Estimating the Degree of Compaction of Embankment Using Dynamic Cone Penetration TestSatoshi NonamiKobe City College of Technology, Japan
X-ray CT Image-based Flow Simulations in Geotechnical EngineeringEomzi YangKorea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Korea
Session 4
Mechanical Properties of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate-Bearing Soils Interpreted from Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests and Elasto-plastic Constitutive ModelingHiromasa IwaiKyoto University, Japan
Electrical Resistivity and Thermal Conductivity of Weathered Granite Soil according to SaturationGyeoungo KangGwangju University, Korea
Countermeasure against Pipe Uplift during LiquefactionHyuk-Kee HongKansai University, Japan
External Metal Corrosion in Unsaturated Particulate MediaJung-Hee ParkIncheon National University, Korea
Study on the Dynamic Stability of Geogrid Reinforced Soil Walls subjected to SeepageThi Han PhyoKyoto University, Japan

■ [2일차] 지반연구실 및 센터방문 안내

[1] Geotechnical Lab. TourGeotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe UniversityProf. Kato, Kobe University
[2] 인간과 방재 미래센터 Tour

Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution

(1-5-2 Wakinohama Kaigandori, Chuo-Ku, Kobe 651-0073, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan)
Prof. Kato, Kobe University
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