학술지         IJGE         Author Instruction

Author Instruction

General information

Aims and scope

The purpose of the international Journal of Geo-Engineering is to advance and promote the Geo-Engineering profession and provide better services to the public through research and development in Korea and other Asian countries. International Journal of Geo-Engineering covers the broad area of practice known as geo-engineering. Papers are welcomed on areas such as shallow and deep foundation, engineering behavior of soil and rock, earth retaining structure, deep excavations, slope stability, tunneling, environmental Geo-mechanics and engineering geology, and ground reinforcement. Authors are also encouraged to submit papers concerned with any aspect of Geo-Engineering, including academic research studies, practitioners' detailed records of construction and performance(case studies), state-of-the-art reviews by invited authors symposia in print, technical notes and discussion.

Submission of papers

Manuscripts must be electronically submitted to http://ijge.kgshome.org

Preparation of the Manuscripts


The maximum number of words or word-equivalents is 10,000 for paper, 3,500 for notes, and 2,000 for discussions including figures and tables. The manuscripts should include an abstract of 150~200 words and a list of 5~7 key words.


The use of System International(SI) units as primary units of measure is mandatory. Other units may be given in parentheses after the SI unit if the author desires.

Table and Figures

Table and figures should be consecutively numbered and headed with short titles. They should be referred to in the text as Fig.1, table2, etc.


Equation should start on a separate line and must be identified with consecutive numbers in parentheses. The equations should be referred to in the text as Eq.(1), Equ.(2), etc.


References must be completed in the following order: last name(s) and initial(s) of first and middle name of the author(s), year of publication in parentheses, title of paper in "quotes", name of the book or journal in italics, volume number, issue number, publisher, city and state or country of publication, and inclusive page number. In the text, refer to publication by listing the last names of the authors and the year. The final section of the paper should be a list of references showing authors in alphabetical order.

Copyright Transfer

All authors are required to sing the copyright transfer agreement when a manuscript is finally accepted for publications. For additional information on submitting a manuscript, please call or write to us.